Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Spoil Your Pet!

Spoil Your Pet Month!

In celebration of spoil your pet month and this week's Wordless Wednesday BlogHop I decided to share some pictures of Ali & friends.

Thanks of course to BlogPaws for hosting this each week! It is a great way to connect with many new people in the community.

Ali & Friends!

Spoiling Ali is easy. It requires only 2 things. An open space and a throw able object. Adding some friends to the mix only makes it better.

All other dogs pictured here are Ali's former rescue roommates at Ridge Rescue Society. They are all awaiting their forever homes.

Dogs playing fetch.
KC (front), Ali (middle) & Mickey (rear)

Dogs playing with a boomerang.
Ali, Mickey & KC

Border Collie jumping in air to catch a snowball.
Mickey the snowball destroyer

Mickey & KC are among Ali's best of friends. Both still waiting to find their forever families.

Happy Wordless Wednesday everyone!

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